judicial decision

美 [dʒuˈdɪʃl dɪˈsɪʒn]英 [dʒuˈdɪʃl dɪˈsɪʒn]
  • 网络司法判决;司法决定;法院判决;法庭裁决
judicial decisionjudicial decision


(law) the determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it
Synonym: judgment judgement


  1. Realization of validity of judicial decision is a basic issue of Jurisprudence .


  2. Though mode of thinking and cognitive ability , the social cognitive background influences the judicial decision .


  3. It is a judicial decision .


  4. A judicial decision has two separate effects .


  5. The legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision .


  6. From the view of judgment , it is far beyond the need of judicial decision .


  7. To truly achieve the unity of judicial decision , we also need to address judicial discretion .


  8. The Extension of presumption is any point from the legal assumption to the judicial decision .


  9. Explanation of Judicial Decision Reason-Inherent Requirement of Modern Judicial Legitimacy


  10. From the Relationship between Arbitration and Judicial Decision to Se How to Perfect the Labor Dispute Resolution Process


  11. Judicial decision is the bridge to link the law and the citizen who understands the law through judicial decisions .


  12. Consular officers shall not be committed to prison save in execution of a judicial decision of final effect .


  13. Benaja Widdup felt that the point demanded judicial decision .


  14. Procedural justice embodies in the planning of legal procedure and the process of judicial decision , has specific , concrete and operational moral standards .


  15. The judicial decision of ECJ shows that ECB enjoys only a limited and functional independence , not an absolute one .


  16. Consequentialist argument , as one justification form of legal arguments , is an important element of achieving and justifying judicial decision .


  17. It concludes that the result of judicial decision plays an important role of promotion and guidance for the efficiency of social control and the equity and harmony of social order .


  18. It is generally believed that the judicial decision is absolute that every case has " the only correct solution " . This is misleadingly wrong .


  19. We then examine the treatment of science by advocates and the media , as well as the role science typically plays in legislative , administrative and judicial decision making .


  20. Civil norms into justice by legal principle is a kind of amiable way . Judges are accountable to state law , and parties think that it is a content judicial decision .


  21. When civil norms have been brought into judicial decision , there are several ways . That how judges think several ways is not only a judicial method problem , but also is a respecting state law problem .


  22. The sociological investigations towards judges have proved that the individual factors of judges exert fewer influences than imagined on the judicial decision , supported by the judicial syllogism and restrained by the judicial procedures .


  23. Policy , public opinion and the law have played a certain degree of influence for the judicial decision , whether they were in initial stage of PRC or at present . The only difference lies in the functions and status among them .


  24. In the Internet era , the trial can promote open and transparent public confidence in the judicial decision , to gradually improve the diversity of the program to make the trial open to meet the needs of public participation in the trial .


  25. The author holds that the civil rights of everyman can be deprived only by judicial decision , some civil rights are deprived naturally in imprison time , and the civil rights deprived naturally in imprison time can be resumed only by judicial judgment .


  26. Now , both judicial system of decision making and our theorists , or the practical field have already reached consensus in the law clerk systerm .


  27. Persons aggrieved by refusal of an application can normally secure judicial review of the decision .


  28. An opportunity for judicial review of any decision to revoke or forfeit a patent shall be available .


  29. Price discrimination market testing specific groups need to define the relevant market alone , while the differentiated products market is the use of the judicial practice of multi-layer decision model .


  30. Meanwhile , over in public opinion as the standard of judicial decisions , the decision will be lost in the process of being kidnapped and objective opinion , there can be no talk of justice .
